Aspirin is just over 100 years old. Developed by Bayer Chemical, the same year as they developed Heroin, they would both go on to have famous careers. Actually, Bayer thought Heroin would be much more popular….little did they know. Aspirin remains a great medication for a whole host of issues, but among the most important …
A new study of 100,000 patients shows a small, but significant reduction in cancer in patients who take daily aspirin. There was a 16% reduction in aspirin-takers…..mostly affecting colon and intestinal tract cancers, liver cancer, and bladder cancer. This benefit is statistically small, but fits in with the larger picture for aspirin as a beneficial …
Good news for Arizonans who use lots of Advil, Aleve, or prescription anti-inflammatory medications. A recent study demonstrated reduced skin cancer risk in patients on these medications. Although anti-inflammatory medications have their negatives, there are also hidden ‘positives’ and it’s nice to hear the good news about medications that we have to take to help …
Metformin (Glucophage) is a medication used in treating diabetes for the past 50 years. It has a great track record of safety and is very inexpensive. It has always been recognized as a ‘first line’ therapy, as it reduces the body’s insulin levels and helps in losing weight. If that weren’t enough, recent studies have …