We’ve all heard of placebo medications, phony pills that are meant to make us feel better just by suggesting that they can provide relief from some medical issue or another. Well, this humorous piece from THE ONION, a satirical faux-news website, offers a funny take on the value of seeing the PLACEBO DOCTOR.
Of course, this is just tongue-in-cheek, but the idea has some merit. Much of what I do throughout the day is tell patients that the symptoms or issues that have them concerned are NOT a sign of any serious health issue. They need reassurance with something that has changed or come to their attention, and it is my job to assess them and make sure all is well. This is most often the case, I’d say 85% or more as a simple guesstimate, so a PLACEBO DOCTOR would be helpful 85% of the time if he/she just said….”No worries…you are fine”
Of course, if he would miss the other 15-or-so percent of issues that are ‘real’….but in this error of cost savings, perhaps that’s just what the insurance company ordered!