Reclast is an IV form of bone-builder that we use in women for osteoporosis. It has been proven effective and safe and is particularly good for patients who cannot tolerate Fosamax or Boniva pills, due to GI distress.
This latest study shows benefits at one year, in men with documented osteoporosis, with a substantial reduction in bone fractures. That said, there was a statistical increase in heart attacks. Although this has never been seen before with this medication, and is of uncertain significance, I am still a bit wary of this finding and I think until it is clarified, I would hold on treating men with this IV form of medication unless there is very strong indications.
Although the article minimizes the heart issue, based on the lack of previous concern in study, I think it prudent to be more cautious. Like Groucho Marx once famously said…..”Who are you going to believe ….me…or your lying eyes?”