That was Jackie Gleason’s tag line…and it could substitute for the controversy these days in the Department of Agriculture. Just as the controversy over sugar consumption is heating up, the Dept. of Ag now claims their estimates of sugar consumption are 20% lower than previously stated.
There are a variety of reasons for the adjustment, and to read more, check out the NY TImes article
Perhaps this adjustment is meant to ‘cover’ for consumer products manufacturers, to help them out with the controversies arising lately in New York City about large sugary sodas, etc….
The estimates for sugar consumption have always been suspect and varying, depending on the methods used for calculation. Estimates range from 160 pounds per person per year to now the new adjustment to 80 pounds per person per year. One thing is for certain….we eat a lot more sugar than we did in the past.
In 1900 we ate 1/2 as much sugar as we do today, and in 1800 we ate probably only 10%. This is an amazing increase. To understand more about sugar in our history and society, check out my video: