as ifokThe pharmaceutical industry has ‘reloaded’ Ambien in a quick acting form that dissolves in the mouth. This new dosing regimen is to be used for people who awaken in the middle of the night and cannot return to sleep.
The medication is just an alternate dose and administration of Ambien. Although the data showed statistical improvement in sleep, I think this ‘niche’ drug will have limited appeal.
Called INTERMEZZO, it was recently approved by the FDA.
Alternatives to this medication do exist and they consist of:
Trazodone….an anti-depressant that we commonly use for sleep. Taken at bedtime, it specifically is helpful in getting you back to sleep if you awaken in the middle of the night. It does not ‘put you to sleep.’ It does need to be taken regularly, every night….not ‘as needed’.
Xanax/Ativan/Valium…..these can be used in a low dose form, in the middle of the night, if you awaken with active thoughts in your head that prevent you from returning to sleep. They do have the negative effect of hang-over (potentially) into the morning hours, and also of dependence if you use them regularly.