Ebola is a major topic in the news and clearly it is on our minds a good bit. In fact, we may soon hear about a case of two in the Phoenix area…that would not be a surprise. The risks of being exposed to this type of virus is very very low in most …
Recommendation: Check blood pressure when sitting….but on occasion, when standing after 1-2 minutes to look for a BP drop. When you check your blood pressure, it is generally recommended that you do this in the sitting position. That is the most accurate and consistent way to check your pressure, but doctors know that sometimes …
I am 66 and am otherwise healthy. Should I get the pneumovax (pneumonia vaccine)? Deb MY RESPONSE: Pneumonia is the 5th leading cause of adults in the US, and 50% of these infections are due to Streptococcus pneumonia, the germ that the PNEUMOVAX enhances your immune response to. The PNEUMOVAX contains the 23 strains, …
Sleep is a hot topic these days, as researchers and finding out how important it is for our general health, particularly in a world that is going 24-hours and driven by computer/social networking that is never-ending. Despite this 24 hour cycle, we are meant to sleep a large portion of our day, even if we …
Twenty three and me is a company that provides a personal genetic profile for $99, using a small sample of your saliva. How does it work? The take your sample and analyze the cast-off cells from the lining of your mouth that you send in via a swab of the cheek. Then, using the most …
Dr. Howard Baum is a close friend of mine and an outstanding endocrinologist who is on the faculty of Vanderbilt University Medical Center. During a recent visit I was able to ‘pick his brain’ on three topics of importance and interest to many patients who see me. Check out his podcasts on: Hypothyroidism Diabetes Osteoporosis …
Many see genetics as the future of medicine, and at the most recent meeting in San Diego, held at UC San Diego, attendees at the FOGM meeting heard from the thought leaders in this area. We are fortunate enough to have a reporter directly ‘on the scene’ to share his thoughts and observations. None other …
Theranos labs is test marketing it’s fingerstick lab testing program here in Phoenix, and we have been given a front-row seat to the latest in practical medical technology. Although imperfect in a variety of ways, the fingerstick method for lab testing has an appeal to patients who either cannot easily get a routine blood draw …
Colon screening took a great leap forward with the FDA approval today of the COLOGARD stool test. This test does genetic screening on your bowel movements to check for genetic defects that are found in cancerous polyps and tissues that are sloughed-off into the bowel movement. Using this $599 test, you will be able potentially …
As those of you who read my blog know, STATIN medications like Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, and Crestor have been shown to have potential benefits in reducing complications of pneumonia and sespsis (overwhelming bloostream infection). I have posted about this in the past….READ>>>>HERE<<<< Now, some researchers are suggesting a broad use of these medications to prevent …
We are often asked to take medical home waste, but we are unable to handle that properly and only care for the waste created in our office. There are resources and information to guide you per the City of Scottsdale. Read the following links on: HOME MEDICAL WASTE >>>>>>>HERE<<<<<< HOME MEDICATION DISPOSAL >>>>>>>HERE<<<<<< …
The internet is great for finding a bargain. It has led to transparency of pricing in so many areas of commerce, but one area that is going backwards in this regard is in using the internet to find out pharmaceutical medication pricing. Used to be that I would just go to www.Drugstore.com and I could …
Doctors are the ‘Kings’ of antibiotics, prescribing nearly 1 round of antibiotics per person yearly in the United States. The negative consequences of this broad-based antibiotic use has many concerned, and as a result, using bacteria for a ‘positive’ probiotic effect has been suggested. Unfortunately, there is very little data about the best way to …
iPS stands for Induced Pluripotential Stem Cells and they were transplanted for the first time into a patient’s eye in Japan, to help reverse Macular Degeneration. These cells are created from mature cells that are coaxed into reverting to stem cells (originating cells) that can then be transformed into any type of tissue that exists. …
Everyone loves a quickie! OK….focus here…I’m talking about quick exercises. When I was a kid, my dad, being a Canadian, gave me a copy of the Royal Canadian Airforce Exercise Program. It was an ideal and quick way to get yourself in shape. No longer available in book form, you can get this information on …